class: center, middle # Blockchain Compliance Dr. Peter Ebenhoch ![Shimano Chain](shimano2-circle.png) .footnote[IRIS Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposium, Salzburg 2018 ] --- class: center, middle, inverse # May you live in exciting times… 宁为太平狗,不做乱世人 .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance, IRIS 2018 ] --- class:left .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # Actual blockchain crimes February 15, 2018: Optioment - Claim: «Optioment basiert auf einem Bitcoin-Arbitrage-Tradingroboter.» - Type: Fraud (Ponzi Scheme) - Location: Austria - Reported damage: 80 Mio EUR .bildrechts[![Coincheck-Hack](coincheck-hack-small.png)] ??? - - -- January 30, 2018: Coincheck - Claim: «Easiest way to buy and sell BTC.» - Type: Hot wallet cleared (Robbery) - Location: Japan - Reported damage: 500 Mio USD ??? - -- January 22, 2018: IOTA-Hack - Claim: «Since inception, we have unabashedly done things differently.» - Type: External private key generation (Phishing) - Location: Norway - Reported damage: 4 Mio USD ??? - .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance, IRIS 2018, Salzburg ] --- class:left .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # Prior blockchain incidents June 2016: The DAO «Hack» - Claim: «The steadfast iron of unstoppable code.» - Location: Germany - Type: Recursive use of withdrawal function - Damage: ~ 50 Mio USD (3.6 Mio ETH) .bildrechts[![Mt. Gox damaged party](DSCF4055.0-small.jpg)] ??? - -- February 2014: Mt. Gox files for bankruptcy - Claim: «Bitcoin eliminates intermediaries.» - Location: Japan - Type: Poor IT-security - Damage: ~ 450 Mio USD (850.000 BTC, today ~ 9 Mrd USD) -- Ernst & Young reports (January 22, 2018): `10% of ICO funds are lost or stolen` - _“Fear of Missing Out” (FOMO)_ drives token valuations without any connection to market fundamentals. ??? - ??? - .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance IRIS 2018, Salzburg ] --- class:left .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # Blockchain Compliance .bildrechts[![City administration Stadt Zug](die-stadtverwaltung-zug-klein.jpg)] ### Is there a need for blockchain regulation? → _Yes!_ ### Delimitation A. This presentation: Regulation → Blockchains B. Also of interest: Blockchains → Regulation (Regulatory Tech/RegTech) .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance IRIS 2018, Salzburg ] --- class: center, middle, inverse # How to regulate blockchains .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance, IRIS 2018 ] --- class:left, small .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # What is a blockchain? `A blockchain is a distributed database which introduces analog scarcity into digital abundance.` -- `A blockchain requires an IT-operation system and (public) access points.` -- `All public blockchain-transactions are transparent, actors can potentially be uncovered.` -- `The consensus mechanism prevents later change of records and consumes enormous amounts of electrical energy.` .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance IRIS 2018, Salzburg ] --- .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # Blockchain fallacies A. ~~Blockchains need no intermediary~~ BC require IT-infrastructures → cf. wallets & exchange sites -- B. ~~Blockchains cannot be regulated~~ IT-operation & access can be regulated → cf. China -- C. ~~Blockchains are error-free~~ Software is always error prone → eg. the DAO or Mt. Cox hack -- D. ~~Blockchains are always right~~ Errors in blockchains are difficult to correct → inclusive link to digital twin -- E. ~~Blockchain transactions are strictly confidential~~ → Actors of blockchain transactions can be uncovered -- F. ~~Blockchains scale well~~ → Public blockchains are slow and power consuming (~4 transactions/s BTC, ~20 ETH) .footnote[Literature: _Gerard_, [Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain](] --- .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # Blockchains _are_ regulated _Blockchains are de lege lata regulated. Existing norms and laws are applicable, admittedly with some scope._ `Blockchain-applications have to be fully compliant with legal regulation in force.` -- `The utilization of blockchains is no excuse for criminal behaviour.` -- Despite the actual «fear of missing out» hysteria: - scams/fraud - ponzi schemes - illegal trades - money laundering - … are not allowed … _even if you use a blockchain._ .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance IRIS 2018 ] --- class: center, middle, inverse # Regulation areas 改善 _We are here to make another world._ W. Edwards Deming .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance, IRIS 2018 ] --- class:left background-image: url(Legal_status_of_bitcoin.png) # Global regulation 1/3 Switzerland / Kanton Zug - Partly local regulation (eg. tax paying and customer identification with Bitcoin in Zug - FINMA guidelines for ICO-assessment -- South Korea - «(The government) is considering both shutting down all local virtual currency exchanges» (2018-01-25) -- China - Ban of ICOs as of 2017-09-04 - Discourage of bitcoin mining due to high power consumption .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance, IRIS 2018, Salzburg ] ??? --- class:left background-image: url(Legal_status_of_bitcoin.png) .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # Global regulation 2/3 .bildrechts[![BTM Ontario Canada](atm-canada-small.jpg)] Canada - Blockchain regulatory - is favorable but - still needs improvement. -- USA - Arizona (recognition of smart contracts) - Vermont (blockchain as evidence) - Chicago (real estate records) - Delaware (pending initiative authorizing registration of shares of Delaware companies in blockchain form) --- background-image: url(Legal_status_of_bitcoin.png) .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # Global regulation 3/3 European Union `It makes sense to discuss the speculative risks of virtual currencies and their impact on the financial system at international level`, the Finance Ministry in Berlin said in an emailed response to questions. The next meeting of G-20 finance ministers and central bank governors would be «a good opportunity to do so.» Valdis Dombrovskis – VP of financial stability, financial services and capital markets at the European Commission: `In recent weeks, bitcoin has our heightened attention.` ??? `We looked at that [bitcoin], we analyzed the fundamentals but we don’t think we have to react at this stage as a political and technical body.` ??? Pierre Moscovici – EU Commissioner for economic, financial affairs, taxation and customs Valdis Dombrovskis – VP of financial stability, financial services and capital markets at the European Commission: `In recent weeks, bitcoin has our heightened attention.` ??? --- .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # Areas of regulation 1/2 - KYC – Know Your Customer - Trust level for identity assessment - Anti-money laundering: `When establishing a business relationship, the financial intermediary must verify the identity of the customer on the basis of a document of evidentiary value.` -- - KYO – Know Your Organization ![Republik Österreich](repulik.png) - Legal entity who operates the blockchain - «Impressum» - Institutional duties .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance IRIS 2018 ] ??? --- .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # Areas of regulation 2/2 - KYS – Know Your System - Matureness of the IT-system - Level of service quality - Upfront security assessment -- - KYB – Know Your Business - Establishment of token types - Reproducable business model in alignment with market fundamentals - ICO: `Differentiate functions of the blockchain tokens security, currency, usage/utility` - ICO: Prospektpflicht / prospectus - Cyberphysical relationship / alignment with «digital twin» (traditional currency, land property). -- - Power consumption - Major shortcoming - regulation is very likely. .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance IRIS 2018 ] --- .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # Implementation Results Impact assessment on cases at stake: ![Compliance-Massnahmen](21-02-_2018_16-01-32.png) --- .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # Call for legal confidence Blockchains can and have to be regulated! Relevant regulation areas are 1. Know Your Customer: Determine personal identification level & anonymity needs 2. Know Your Organisation: Determine requirements for organisations operating blockchains 3. Know Your System: Determine interfaces to public ledgers / Clarify linking with real artefacts 4. Know Your Business: Elaborate business domain specific requirements to utilize blockchains and digital tokens / demand startup stages 5. Power Consumption: Restrict power consumption International blockchain regulation should gain momentum to provide a legal frame and to protect investments. .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance IRIS 2018 ] --- class: center, middle, inverse # Take aways 現場 .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance, IRIS 2018 ] --- .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # How to deal with ICOs 1/2 How do Venture Capitalists handle blockchain projects? `By applying common sense and differentiating according to business value:` - Crypto Coins (new currency=altcoin), vs. - Crypto Equity (for crowdfunding) ####VC evaluation checklist 1. Company & Team Profile (development & advisory board) 2. Whitepaper Evaluation (seriousness, viability, sustainability) 3. Purpose (usage and feature of tokens and blockchain-technology) 4. Clarify community assessment (eg. 5. Clarify community and media-response 6. Verify roadmap and stages of the project, evaluate source code if applicable 7. Financial backing / Interest of other ventura capitalists 8. Open Cap & Hard Cap to verify later increase options 9. Distribution of Tokens in alignment with project stages ??? --- .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # How to deal with ICOs 1/2 __FINMA «Wegleitung» (Guide)__ (February 16, 2018) `Applying common law according to token-functions:` - Payment [Coins] = Cryptocoins → Geldwäscherei-Gesetz [GWG] - Usage = [Access] for usage or service - Security [Equity]= Shares of enterprises or entitlement to dividends #### __Token does not yet exist, but claim for transfer__ - → security-token #### __Token does exist__ - payment-token → currency - investment-token → security - usage-token → depending on concrete design .footnote[Reference: ] --- .logo[![Chain](shimano2-circle-handout.png)] # Resources * Burgwinkel (Hrsg.): Blockchain Technologie, deGruyter, 2016 * Berentsen/Schär: Bitcoin, Blockchain und Kryptoassets, Basel, 2017 * Heckmann/Kaulartz: Selbsterfüllende Verträge, c't 24/2016: 138-140 * Shimano: HG701 Ultegra 6800 / XT M8000 11 Speed Chain: * The Economist: The trust machine, 2015: http: * Zug: * Gerard, David: Attack of the 50 foot blockchain, 2017 This presentation (upcoming 2018-02-26): - Contact - Dr. Peter Ebenhoch, effectas GmbH, 6300 Zug, Switzerland, .footnote[Ebenhoch: Blockchain Compliance, IRIS 2018, Salzburg ]